The special needs children program consists of 4 programs, also including classroom learning.

Class A
Class A is a class where children consist of various types of children with disabilities such as autism, down syndrome, hyperactivity and cerebral palsy. The aim of the class here is to be able to draw lines, match, and also know the shapes of letters and numbers. Class A can be said to be a class where children can’t stay still, some of them are very stubborn. There are also children who have no motivation to study and obtain just to get attention. For example, a student disturbs his friends while glancing at the teacher so that we will pay attention to him and there are also children who find it difficult to follow ur instructions unless someone they like gives the instructions.

Class B
In class B there are 7 children with different abilities, ranging from down syndrome, deaf and mute, cerebral palsy and low intelligent. In this class they learn about letters, numbers, colors, quantities, and shapes. They are taught how to find, recognize, write and order letters and numbers. The goal or focus in this class is on letters and numbers, because this is an important requirement for them to be able to move up to the next class namely class C ,where they will learned reading and mathematics.
At the Yayasan there are 3 deaf and mute children. They were also taught sign language, which they also have it at the government schools. This sign language program is relatively new. This program was previously proposed by two volunteers from Germany. The sign language that we used is called SIBI same as that used by government schools. In Indonesia there are 2 sign languages, namely SIBI and BISINDO. One of the differences between BISINDO and SIBI that is quite visible is that BISINDO uses two hands to sign letters, while SIBI only uses one hand. For now, the children’s are still learning the basics such as letters and numbers.

Class C
Class C is the highest level class compared to classes A and B. This class consists of 8 children with various disabilities such as, low intelligence, autism, deaf mute, and physical disabilities. Class C is said to be a class with a high level of learning because they are focused on starting to learn to read and write simple words consisting of 2-3 syllables ranging from the names of objects, colors, fruits, food or daily activities to short stories, besides that they also learn to count by adding, subtracting, or multiplying and equalizing the amount by using lago. In this class, the children’s development and capacity to understand are different. Therefore, each child will get a worksheet with the same theme but, the way of doing it is slightly different according to their level.